Code of Conduct for Gymnasts
Kingston Gymnastics Club are fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the well-being of all our members. The club believes it is important that members, coaches, administrators and parents associated with the club should, at all times, show respect and understanding for the safety and welfare of others. Therefore, members are encouraged to be open at all times and share any concerns or complaints that they may have about any aspect of the club with the club’s Safeguarding Officer.
As a member of Kingston Gymnastics club you are expected to abide by the following club rules:
All gymnasts must;
- Train and compete within the rules and regulations of Kingston Gymnastics Club
- Show respect for other gymnasts and the people who are there to help you learn
- Arrive at their training session, competition or event venue prepared and on time and inform the coach if they are going to be late.
- Inform their coach of any injuries or illness they have before the warm up begins
- Wear suitable attire for training, competitions and events as per Club guidelines / requirements. Hair must be tied back securely and all jewellery must be removed prior to entering the training, competition or event area.
- Never bully other club members either on your own or in a group
- Not smoke, consume alcohol or take any controlled drugs whilst training or representing the Club at competitions or any other event.
- Not use bad or inappropriate language.
- Not leave the training, competition or event area without the consent of their coach.
- Not leave the Club premises without being in the care of their parent, guardian, carer or any other nominated person who has been given prior authorisation.
- Adhere to the Club’s Social Media Policy (as detailed in the subsequent pages)
- Pay any training, competition or event fees on time. The Club reserves the right to apply a late payment charge if fees are more than 7 days late.
If you are worried about something, don’t keep it to yourself. Please speak to an adult you trust. This could be the coach, safeguarding officer, teacher, or parent.
Please ensure you have signed a code of conduct letter. You can ask for one from one of coaches or trustees at the gym, or download and print one off from this link.